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Kamis, 16 April 2009

Try To Sleep

Uaaaaheeem...i work in night as a CSS in Futures company. But this is 10.00P.M & i want to sleep at this night. You know...it doesnt work!!! I must watch runnning a curency like Euro, Gbp, Chf, XAU, or something like that. Why??? B'coz...if there any account (the owner by our client in this company) have a low equity & they have open position a curency, i must calling them to telling him/his account that equity right here right now is too low. And that equity want to inject or not. Wew...not so difficult but its need a conscientious, right...? You know...if I didn't like that, i can't imagine (boz n client cant angry!!! At first they loses their open position n of course equity ;-D) hehehe....but this running at this night is friendly, i mean not so the unrest. So maybe i can sleep soundly tonight...hehehe... i hope so.

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