Hellow I hope you enjoy to visit my Blog...and dont 4Get to leave msg at shoutmix, okey....see ya

Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

Sore semuanyaaa ^_*

Sore temen2. Wah sore ini sibuuuk sekale... Gimana gak, pagi2 sih seperti biasanya. Aktifitas kerja normal dech. Siang nya yaaaa....sedikit normal juga. Nach sore nya alias sore ni, jam kerja nya padat merayap hehehe. Ngurusin agreement klien yg mow jadi new account di perusahaan. Wah, mana banyak lagi yang harus disiapkan dan ditulis buwat nglengkapin file nya. Yach...mpe jam segini lom slesasi juga..masih nunggu kabar dari wakil pialangnya. Hehe..ya enjoy aza deeech...kale ya..Keep spirit for fighting, Right?

Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Welcome Sun Shine, xixixixi

Well, finally I'm back....hehehehe. Now I go to my work at morning, after one month ago at night. Wew...work shift are so tired...u know??? ^_^ Mmm but just for one month I'll going in my office at morning, u know..in my work are divided 2 shift. Morning and night (for one month), so one month at night and one month at morning...Fieuuuh....so tired and time to sleep is to low if I work at night. I work in future company..mmm in here Indonesia call 'perusahaan Valas'...hehehe...

So...I'll enjoy work at this morning eventhought just for a month... ^_*
And Welcome SUN ShINe... ,,('o'),, ;-)

Kamis, 02 Juli 2009

Thursday at tired day

well at this morningI already to finish my work. Fieeeuh....it's so tired day, after i work at night. But at 6 jul 09 on monday, I have already comin to work at morning..wow..it's so wonderfull. Mmm..everynight I sleeping in my office...wew...it's so boring u know? After one month ago...but on next monday, i will turn my shift at morning. Hehehehe.....well, bye-bye for work at night, and I'll going sleep at home..well I'm so happy ^_^

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