Hellow I hope you enjoy to visit my Blog...and dont 4Get to leave msg at shoutmix, okey....see ya

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

wew...masa' musti 1 boelanz???!

Oii friends...morning all...
Waaaah pagi ni ceria sekali, seceria sinar matahari yg menampakan sinarnya. Lumayan terang low, setelah akhir2 ni mendung menyelimuti kota 5ur4K4rt4 tercayang ini...(wew...maklum, lagi disini sih...jadi walopun bukan kota kelahiran, tapi ikut kusayang juga, hehehe) Tapi prenz..gak sebegituw cerianya hatikuw...huhuhu...Tau knapa???

Ni aku beritahu... mulai bulan depan...masa' shift kuw dibuwat jadi 1 bulan...wadooow, bisa crazy niq di malem. Klo di pagi siq ya seneng2 aza :D Maklum, dtempatkuw ini terbagi jadi 2 shift working nya. Satu shift pagi n satunya shift malem. Dulu kmaren2 siq cuma 2 minggu pergantiannya. Lah ni, berhubung absensinya pke sidik jari (Absen new niq) jadi dah terprogram all shift dipukul rata satoe boelanz...huhuhu...di malem 1 bulan..oh noooo.... ;(

Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Good Night...

Today is wednesday. Usually, every saturday morning I back to my home (after work in out of town) but if I'll do that ( saturday for tomorrow)...I will alone at home b'coz my mom have a trip in surabaya east of Java. So I will back home at saturday morning or friday morning...clean my house, give my mom's plants some water and after that...go back to 'oslow poenya'...hehe...and off course I will spare my time with my honey:D Mmm....I think I really-really do that. Oce...and for now...I'll go sleep. Oops...it could be happen b'cause I work at my office right now ;-( ^_* So, night everybody...have nice dream yach...('o')

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