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Minggu, 26 April 2009

Start Day are so Tired

Morning everybody...this is monday...Mmm its so tire,..... I'm very busy with my job in my offfice, especially at MONDAY. Do you know?I work in 5.30 Am and finish at 15.30PM. Wow....that's so morning and I have to wake up and go to work;-( masiii nguantuuuk...After in my office, I turn on my computer at my division and lanjut kerja, beres2 admin kantor that not finish yet closing yesterday(Friday) ->In my office, I work in 5 day. Now, tibalah saatnya for lunch :-) Well...I will lunch in my office niq...hehehe..Have A Good Lunch yach...After lunch what would I do???...mmm...relax for a moment and Go back work!!! Wew....But After that, I can go home...horeeee....happy niq I can relaz from my activity in my office for today.

Selasa, 21 April 2009

Happy Kartini Day

Allouw...to all woman's in Indonesia...I would say hepy Kartini's day yach. Hope all woman in Indonesia more creative, intelectual, smart, clever and GO GIRLS....hehehe....Sorry im late, but its okay, this is 22 April, so spirit of Kartini's day not late. Well what about you? What would you do to make it true??? If I, mmm....first, i will make my self confidence. What that's mean? It's mean I'll do all my job better day after day. Second, i'll not in one's leading strings. It's important for not to depend the other people. In other says, "be autonomous". Third, do all the best what should I do. That's it what do I do to make woman more autonomuus. Oce...GO GIRL..........!!! :-D

Senin, 20 April 2009

New Rain Coat

Ouugh it's rainy day. Every day is rain;-) This time, Im still in my office. Do U know?My boss not in here. He has trip in Surabaya central of java. So what's gonna do at this time, after i do my work? (all of my tags has been finish at morning). Now Im a little relax, a while of chats n Nets, hehe. I have a new rain coat, so i can use it if day still rainy,hahahaaaaa

Kamis, 16 April 2009

Try To Sleep

Uaaaaheeem...i work in night as a CSS in Futures company. But this is 10.00P.M & i want to sleep at this night. You know...it doesnt work!!! I must watch runnning a curency like Euro, Gbp, Chf, XAU, or something like that. Why??? B'coz...if there any account (the owner by our client in this company) have a low equity & they have open position a curency, i must calling them to telling him/his account that equity right here right now is too low. And that equity want to inject or not. Wew...not so difficult but its need a conscientious, right...? You know...if I didn't like that, i can't imagine (boz n client cant angry!!! At first they loses their open position n of course equity ;-D) hehehe....but this running at this night is friendly, i mean not so the unrest. So maybe i can sleep soundly tonight...hehehe... i hope so.

Rabu, 15 April 2009

Ada Rescue nine One-One

Malem temen2...ni kejadian week end kmaren. Ceritanya temenku holiday ditempat sodaranya plus bawa temen2nya. Nach disono tuh ada sebuah waduk tempat menampung air bwt irigasi sawah. Di waduk tuh ada perahu2 nelayannya...Berhubung pengin mancing, mereka berinisiatif tuk meminjam tuh perahu bwt mancing ke tengah2 waduk. Temenku pinjem 2 buah perahu. Masing2 beranggotakan 2 orang, lucunya lagi masing2 perahu tuh yg bisa renang cuma 1, alias penghuni 1-nya gak bisa renang. Nach pas perahu yg 1 dah buang jangkar (weiiiis...kayak kapal besar aza:-D) alias dah mpe agak jauh dari daratan, tiba2 kapal yg ditumpangi retak n air masuk ke perahu!!! spontan kalang kabut deh para penghuninya. Perahu 1-nya lagi yg masih agak dipinggir yg ditumpangi temenku langsung melesat menggayung perahu nuju perahu yg makin lama makin tenggelam. Wuiiih seremnya, kayak Titanic aza,hehehehe. Setelah sampai ditujuan, langsung temenku loncat tuk nolongin temennya yg semakin ambles. Emang dasar temene yg ditolong ni guendutz , eeeh pas ditolongin n ditarik keatas....dia malah pngin segera naik keatas. Ini gak salah siq...tiap orang juga gitu, tapiii caranya itu low yg salah. Mungkin panik pa gmana, dia malah megangin kpala temenku smakin dlm ke air agar dia bisa menghirup udara diatas. Waaaah otomatis temenku orang jawa bilang "glagepen".Heheheeee. Temenku mpe minum air waduk sepuasnya. Untung aza segera dibantu Om nya temenku yg juga ngliat kejadian itu sesaat kemudian. Yach..selesai sudah adegan aksi Nine One-One nya. Tmenku selamat n temen2e juga,gitchu...

Week end yg menyenangkan or yg menegangkan yach kira-kira.....???*_^

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Selamat Paska

Heppy Easter...

Sabtu kmaren, me n family merayakan Paska di gereja. Mudix ni aku,he.... Misa perayaan dimulai jam 5 sore, tpi nyokap buru2 nyuruh aku mandi jam 3 an, katanya "nanti gak kebagian tempat!". Biasa klo hari raya mesti gerejanya full,hehehe. Akhirnya mandi juga aku jam 4 kurang dikit. Dan setelah berdandan juga (kata nyokap aku dandannya loamaa, pdhal nurutku sich biasa aja) finally kita berangkat gereja. Eeeh mpe parkiran, antrian masuknya loamaaaa n poanjaaang. Hasilnya, nyokap nyuruh aku markir di salah satu supermarket yg deket gereja. Haa..??? yg bener aza??hihihi,ada2 aza niq nyokap. Aku sih ya nurut aza, hbis panjang bgt antreannya. Tapi sbelum mpe supermarket yg dituju, tepat di depan gerbang utama gereja, yg tadinya parkiran khusus area medical check up (dah tutup karena libur), parkirannya dpke bwt yg mow ke gereja ma penduduk setempat. Wah....jadi deket ni ke gereja nya,hehe..beruntung ya. Tapi emang sih bayarnya dihitung doubel ma harga parkiran standar. But its allright, khan deket gereja, tinggal nyebrang aza dah sampe :-D

Sampai gereja ktemu temen SD, akhirnya dia juga duduk disebelah aku ma mominya, karena kursi sebelahku masih kosong. Selama mengikuti perayaan ekaristi, dia bilang kelaperan...wadow...terlalu niq...padahal aku juga gitu,hehehe....gak sopan ya ni aku,hikshiks. Finally berakhir juga misa nya. Aku pul kerumah ma nyokap, tak lupa bersalam2an ma sesama umat n saling mengucapkan selamat Paskah. "S E L A M A A T P A S K A H" juga bagi yg merayakan ya, kita wartakan kabar gembira dan penebusanNya bagi umat manusia...GBU All. Amien.

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