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Minggu, 26 April 2009

Start Day are so Tired

Morning everybody...this is monday...Mmm its so tire,..... I'm very busy with my job in my offfice, especially at MONDAY. Do you know?I work in 5.30 Am and finish at 15.30PM. Wow....that's so morning and I have to wake up and go to work;-( masiii nguantuuuk...After in my office, I turn on my computer at my division and lanjut kerja, beres2 admin kantor that not finish yet closing yesterday(Friday) ->In my office, I work in 5 day. Now, tibalah saatnya for lunch :-) Well...I will lunch in my office niq...hehehe..Have A Good Lunch yach...After lunch what would I do???...mmm...relax for a moment and Go back work!!! Wew....But After that, I can go home...horeeee....happy niq I can relaz from my activity in my office for today.

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