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Selasa, 21 April 2009

Happy Kartini Day

Allouw...to all woman's in Indonesia...I would say hepy Kartini's day yach. Hope all woman in Indonesia more creative, intelectual, smart, clever and GO GIRLS....hehehe....Sorry im late, but its okay, this is 22 April, so spirit of Kartini's day not late. Well what about you? What would you do to make it true??? If I, mmm....first, i will make my self confidence. What that's mean? It's mean I'll do all my job better day after day. Second, i'll not in one's leading strings. It's important for not to depend the other people. In other says, "be autonomous". Third, do all the best what should I do. That's it what do I do to make woman more autonomuus. Oce...GO GIRL..........!!! :-D

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